Better left to the pros...

After many, many years as a Windows user, I picked up a Macbook about 18 months ago. And after using it almost exclusively for the past 8 months or so, something occurred to me. 

A few years ago, I was chatting with a couple friends about the “Home Depot Effect”. You know, that false sense of capability that enraptures you from the moment your eyes spot the pearly orange gates. It starts slowly. First, a door knob. Then a lighting fixture. Perhaps a faucet or two. Before you know it, you’re buying lumber and a circular saw and building a deck. Humility then sets in quickly as you call a professional to clean up the mess.

Well, a Mac is basically the same thing for creative outlets. Seems harmless enough to organize and clean up a few pictures in iPhoto. But, there’s more. And, you are reminded at every opportunity that everyone else in the world is using their Mac to enrich humanity, while you are watching cat videos. And those iPad commercials. Of course some guy dropped his iPad straight into a volcano to capture sensitive data that lead to thousands of lives saved. So, you feel compelled to make a little moving picture (iMovie) or perhaps a little beat (GarageBand).

And just like I have no business building a deck or repairing the kitchen sink, the same applies to making a movie. But, of course, I did them anyway. Much to the detriment of humanity. These things should be left to the pros.

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1 comment

Love this description. I feel that the Mac encourages creativity and the ease of use for these type applications are too fun. High five on the video. I feel hungry and relaxed all at the same time!


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